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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Subject to start gardening blog ??

One would think subject matter would be easy for the writer of a new Blog. Not so in this case. Suggestions from the audience will probably serve best. Gardening for the average "home gardener" is now pretty dormant until the end of March 2010 at least. For others fotunate enough to have the use of a greenhouse however, the season continues upon remodeling the interior with cold frames (cool frames inside) for the growing of hardier greens, beets, carrots, turnip, parcnip, leeks, mesculin mix and pok choi among many. Please feel free to ask a question, make a useful statement and get this Blog underway.

1 comment:

  1. There is ample time left to plant your tulip bulbs in the DC area. Through out December you can plant them. You should plant them deeper
    at this time of the year or cover the freshly planted bulbs with 4" of straw. Don't use hey as a replacement for straw it just isn't close to being the same. Straw is much bigger around and hollow and contains much more air. Don't plant where muddy or frozen. Have fun.
