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Friday, February 12, 2010

Hashing over time....

After moving to Maryland to follow my passion for gardening, creating and "playing" in the soil....I have found that the land of my birth, Vermont beckons with every breath I take.
Have a sitdown with the "owner" today. I'm abit nervous and really don't know why. I am shaking, not good, will take an extra levitracitam before 11 a.m.
Been researching organic farms throughout Me, NH, & VT. Have an interview during the upcoming week for a farm on the Maine coast.
Was on my first radio show as a guest speaker and enjoyed it immensly. It was an hour show and seemed to fly by. Am starting my own show on Monday 2/15/10 at 8:30 p.m.EST for 15 minutes. Will lengthen it over time should there be interest.
I'm going to close here and go shovel more at the greenhouse. 54" in two storms 4 days apart is really not good.