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Friday, December 11, 2009

"Organic" bulbs....

Have been trying for months to find organic bulbs in this country and given up hope. Until I received an email at "LinkedIn" two days ago.
What thoughts, if any, do my fellow gardeners have on the topic of organic bulbs? There is a website that every organically inclined gardener should know about. Check it out and be as happily surprised as I was.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

My greenhouse is converted for winter greens....

We finished planting the 11th and final cold frame in the 24'x96' greenhouse this afternoon. Have a few more things to tweek for winter's onset and than we wait, right? Wrong. We will have to work more to produce less for Farmer's Markets because of the time constraints presented by a colder climate and shorter "sun" day. Any and all questions and suggestions on this subject greatly appreciated. Also, feel free to post questions concerning gardening related subject matter.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Subject to start gardening blog ??

One would think subject matter would be easy for the writer of a new Blog. Not so in this case. Suggestions from the audience will probably serve best. Gardening for the average "home gardener" is now pretty dormant until the end of March 2010 at least. For others fotunate enough to have the use of a greenhouse however, the season continues upon remodeling the interior with cold frames (cool frames inside) for the growing of hardier greens, beets, carrots, turnip, parcnip, leeks, mesculin mix and pok choi among many. Please feel free to ask a question, make a useful statement and get this Blog underway.